Virginia Tour History
Since the early 1970s, VACRAO has administered the Virginia Tour, a state-wide series of college fairs. We are committed to providing an opportunity for students to meet with college representatives in every region of the state.
While the individual fairs are organized by local school districts, VACRAO assists in scheduling, publicity, set-up, and the dissemination of program details to its membership. The School and College Relations Committee works closely with high school counselors and community colleges to coordinate mutually-convenient programs. The schedule of college day and night programs includes some 75 individual fairs a year, and blanket the state of Virginia over eight weeks from September to November. The result provides every student within the state the opportunity to attend a fair in his or her region, and every VACRAO member the ability to effectively recruit in Virginia. Participation in the Virginia Tour is one of the primary benefits of VACRAO membership.