We Want YOU!

Without the support and dedication from our members, VACRAO would not be able to keep moving forward.  Please consider volunteering.  Below are a list of the committee descriptions with VACRAO:

Domicile Workshop Committee

The Domicile Workshop Committee consists of at least three and no more than five members. The committee sponsors the Association’s annual Domicile Workshop. The committee sponsors at least one program session at the Association’s annual meeting.

New Counselor Workshop Committee

The New Counselor Workshop Committee consists of at least three and not more than five members. The committee sponsors the Association’s annual New Counselor Workshop.The Committee sponsors at least one program session at the Association’s annual meeting.

School and College Relations Committee

The School and College Relations Committee consists of eleven members:the chair, nine committee members representing sectional divisions of the Commonwealth as designated by the committee and approved by the Executive Committee, and the elected president of the Roadrunners. The Roadrunners is an informal group of traveling admissions representatives from member institutions.

The committee establishes and annually publishes the Virginia Tour schedule for the fall and spring tours, and maintains authority over such functions. A single invitation and schedules for the fall and spring tours are sent to all VACRAO members in a timely manner. The committee compiles RSVPs and notifies local coordinators in a timely manner.The Committee annually publishes the Roadrunner’s Gazette.  In addition, the committee sponsors at least two program sessions at the Association’s annual meeting.

Special Workshop Committee

The Special Workshops Committee consists of at least three and not more than five members. The committee sponsors at least one special workshop for Association members each year.  In addition, the committee sponsors at least one program session at the Association’s annual meeting.

Support Staff Workshop Committee

The Support Staff Workshop Committee consists of at least three and not more than five members. The committee sponsors the Association’s annual Support Staff Workshop.The committee sponsors at least one program session at the Association’s annual meeting.

Professional Access and Equity Committee

The Professional Access and Equity Committee will consist of at least three and no more than five members. The Committee is responsible to the membership through the Vice President for Professional Development for the following association activities:

  • encouraging and providing opportunities to enhance the professional involvement o individuals from all backgrounds represented within VACRAO
  • identifying ways in which VACRAO can promote and sustain inclusiveness within the association and on each campus; and

  • sensitizing VACRAO leaders and members to issues of importance to all people from all backgrounds by making recommendations for improving professional development and involvement in the association.

The Committee will sponsor at least two program sessions at each of the Association's annual meetings and will propose additional opportunities for involvement and professional development through workshops or other Association activities.

Web Services Coordinator

A committee of one, the Web Services Coordinator maintains the Association’s electronic resources, specifically the VACRAO homepage and the VACRAO email list; monitors existing and developing policies and practices in electronic resource management; monitors and analyzes developments in technology and content of electric resources of interest to the membership; and provides information to the membership.

Nominations and Auditing Committee

This committee, established in the Bylaws, is elected by the membership, the chair being the candidate receiving the largest number of votes in the previous year's election and having served as chair‑elect for the preceding year. The five committee members canvass the membership for nominees for officer, select a slate of well‑qualified individuals as representative of the diverse membership as possible, and present that slate for the membership's consideration at the annual meeting. The committee also submits candidates, for the Nominations and Auditing Committee ballot to be mailed to the membership.

VACRAO I'm Available!


Please contact Jerry Brown to get involved:

Jerry Brown, Jr. 

University of Mary Washington
Associate Director
1301 College Ave
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Phone: 540-654-1676

Email: VACRAOpresidentelect@gmail.com